Quiet Time Activities for Preschoolers

When your child is slowly starting to not nap (or suddenly as the case may be for some kids), keeping a Quiet Time is a great way to transition out of regular naps for both your child and you.  

Here are helpful tips that will give your child a peaceful Quiet Time!  

      1. Talk about naps and quiet time positively. Say “now we get to do quiet time!” Or “Quiet time makes our bodies feel happy and rested so we can enjoy the rest of the day” 
      2. Keep the pre-nap routine.In our home the pre-nap routine is reading one story, turning off the lights (in this case dimming the light) and hugs. 
      3. Give your child a place to do quiet time – preferably on their bed so they can sleep if they feel tired. 
      4. Dim the lights in the room. 
      5. Create a bin of quiet time activities they can do. You can switch out these activities every week or so. 
      6. Get a light like this one that can tell them when their quiet time is finished. Or a clock like this one that will show them the time amount they have left.
      7. Tell them what is expected. For instance you can say, “You need to stay on your bed in the room until your clock/light says it’s ok to get up. You can sleep if you want or you can do your quiet time activities.”
      8. Check on your child every 5 min to begin with and then lengthen the time out further (every 10, every 20 min). Praise and note their following of expectations and doing quiet time activities! 
      9. Increase the amount of time for quiet time as they grow in learning how to stay quiet for this amount of time.  Start with 20-30 min and increase every few days. Most kids can learn to do an hour quiet time but it will depend on your child and their abilities and needs.  
      10. Praise and encourage them each day after their quiet time each day. Lots of encouragement goes a long way with young children.
      11. If your child didn’t fall asleep remember they will need an earlier bedtime than when they were napping.  That will prevent night time wake ups and early rising.
      12. Stay Consistent so your child knows what to expect. This will provide security for your young child.

    Need some fun, easy and mess free activity ideas for Quiet Time? 

    Here are my Family’s Favorite Quiet Time Activity Ideas!



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    I HELP Moms move from just surviving in life to thriving! 

    Fueled by God’s love, I spend my days thriving in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

    Steve & I have been married 24 years and are parents to 4 amazing kids! 

    I love helping other moms sleep well so that they can be full of joy, intentionality and peace! 

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