
Whether you need help getting your kids to sleep (Check out My On Demand Course) or want encouragement to help them love and follow Jesus, I am here to encourage you! 

Anna is kind and gentle and able to help me figure out how to take the next steps forward for growth and transformation.


Group 37

It all started with big dreams.

After years of mentoring youth side by side with my husband overseas, I longed to be a mom to my own children. 

However we were told we would never be able to bear children. During our years of infertility, I wondered with tears why I was the only one to not having a growing belly. One day, God asked me to trust Him and told me that He had a child for us that wasn’t going to grow in my womb. 

In time, we made the long journey to adopt our oldest child. Our hearts were so delighted and yet there were many struggles ahead.

Our first was an extreme lack of sleep caused us to search for gentle sleep help sleep that would keep our growing attachment to our son.

It was the beginning of learning to lay down my life and love a child whose life started with the greatest loss imaginable.  

Our next 3 children came as miracles by birth.  And all had a significant genetic sleep disorder.  

Years later family faced a season of huge health battles due to living in a home with hidden mold. The emotional effect of chronic health issues left me discouraged and overwhelmed.

These challenges and the demand of years of full time ministry had the power to discourage, to overwhelm me and to tear a part our marriage.

Yet individually together we learned how to move from fear and overwhelm to a place of joy and abundance no matter what was going on in our life.  

I want the same abundance for you no matter what is happening in your life!

If I can enjoy a thriving life despite the challenges in my life - so can you!

I'm Here for you


No matter what hardship is in your life…sleep struggles, illness, infertility, special needs parenting, marriage struggles…

Whatever it is…You can still be live a life full of hope and joy! 

Join me and I will show you how!

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